Unraveling the Enigma: Decoding the Conclusion of The Son (2022) – Unveiling the Fate of Nicholas

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The Son Plot Synopsis

The Son is a captivating film directed by Florian Zeller, who also brought us The Father. This poignant movie, adapted from Zeller’s own stage play, delves into the life of Nicholas, a 17-year-old struggling with acute depression. Each day becomes a battle for Nicholas as he wrestles with overwhelming feelings of hopelessness and sadness. His parents, Peter and Kate, initially fail to grasp the magnitude of his pain until a desperate suicide attempt shocks them into awareness.

Why does Nicholas have depression?

Nicholas’s depression likely stems from the immense stress and trauma he experienced when his parents divorced during his formative years. This deeply suppresses emotions may have triggered his depression, which manifests itself in various ways throughout the movie.

How is Nicholas’s depression portrayed?

The first indication of Nicholas’s depression occurs when he confides in his mother, expressing his detachment from the world. This emotionally charged moment highlights his overwhelming sadness, a classic symptom of depression. Additionally, when Nicholas moves in with his father and stepmother, Beth, she discovers self-inflicted cuts on his arm, signaling his resort to self-harm as a coping mechanism. While self-harm is never a healthy solution, it provides temporary relief for individuals enduring anxiety and emotional pain.

How does Peter help his son?

When Peter learns of Nicholas’s self-harm, he strives to understand his son better by spending quality time together. Initially, this appears to bring Nicholas some happiness. However, a disagreement between father and son ultimately drives Nicholas to another suicide attempt, resulting in his hospitalization. Recognizing the severity of his son’s condition, Peter initially agrees to psychiatric treatment, but soon apprehension and guilt cloud his judgment.

Does Nicholas get the help he needs?

Regrettably, Peter decides to remove Nicholas from the medical facility and bring him back home with Beth. Though Nicholas seems happier, it is merely a facade often displayed by those with depression. The family mistakenly believes Nicholas is on the path to recovery when he expresses love for them and seeks forgiveness, but astute viewers may suspect a different outcome. Tragically, Nicholas later returns to his room, and a gunshot rings out, leaving his fate uncertain.

Is there a happy ending for Nicholas?

The gunshot heard is from Peter’s own firearm, which somehow made its way into Nicholas’s possession. Peter rushes to his son’s room, but the film opts not to reveal what transpired. It then jumps into the future, where Peter envisions a scene where he and Nicholas are together, celebrating Nicholas’s book titled ‘Death Can Wait.’ In reality, this is a coping fantasy for Peter, who never had the chance to express his pride to Nicholas. Overwhelmed by grief, Peter is abruptly awakened from his reverie by Kate.

What can we learn from The Son?

The Son leaves us with a bleak ending, but it serves as a powerful reminder. If you identify signs of depression in someone close to you, take swift action. Learn from Nicholas’s parents and be there for those battling mental health issues, helping them access the appropriate support. Additionally, it is crucial for individuals experiencing acute depression or any form of mental illness to know that suicide is not the answer. Seek help from professionals, confide in loved ones, and explore available resources to find the assistance needed to navigate these challenging times.

Read More: The Son Movie Review

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